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Why 'Pockety' for women's services?

Before women could vote or own property, their clothing was designed to minimise their independence.

Having spacious or bulky options to store important papers, money or items that demonstrated their own agency was considered vulgar and unsightly – but it also meant that women would be dependent on men to provide what was needed.

It's no coincidence that once women had a voice in their own futures by acquiring the vote, pockets became increasingly fashionable and desired features in women's wear.

It's this notion of empowerment that is the foundation for Pockety.  

Our vision

Women in Aotearoa New Zealand have yet to achieve gender parity and many organisations are working hard to address entrenched inequalities through quality advice, services, opportunities, resources and collective initiatives.

New Zealand women miss out on these important opportunities every day because they don't know where to look.

We thought it was time someone put these amazing resources in one place.

Pockety is intended as a hub for information and services that can help women achieve better, safer, more independent lives.

A hub for what women need

If you've ever tried to search for services or opportunities specifically designed for women, you'll know how frustrating that can be. Results are widely varied, hard to sift through, or difficult to find.

Pockety aims to be the go-to place for women looking for services, professional groups, funding, scholarships, safety, health solutions... essentially anything that will help you thrive. The intention is to ensure easier access to the spectrum of organisations working hard for women, including organisations focused on: 

  • women's safety, health and wellbeing

  • domestic and family violence

  • professional skill development

  • leadership skills

  • women's shelters and refuge centres

  • maternity and parenting support

  • academic and community scholarship

  • funding opportunities for women's initiatives

... and so much more. For now, Pockety is focusing on not-for-profit groups and organisations working non-commercially. But we want to see the site grow and flourish, so please consider sending us feedback and suggestions for organisations that we might include. Thank you for your support!

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